Detective Snail is looking for someone to play with. All the forest friends seem to be suspiciously busy and appear to be avoiding her…
It is a lovely afternoon and detective Snail is looking for someone to play with. ‘Hi guys! Come, let’s play!’, suggests detective Snail cheerfully to squirrel Nono. Nono quickly turns away and runs off over the branches. Even hedgehog Spikey excuses himself and disappears into the forest.

‘They must be busy with something’, decides detective Snail and continues looking for a company… One after the other – all the friends give various excuses and rush off as if hiding something. Detective Snail is left all alone and can feel little tears gathering in her eyes.

‘Does nobody like me?.. Why no-one wants to play with me?’, sighs poor detective Snail. Slowly she gathers her toys, dries her tears and starts walking home. ‘Nobody even remembered that today is my special day…’

‘SURPRISE!!!’ shouts out all the forest friends as detective Snail approaches her home. ‘Happy birthday, dear Snail!’.
Everybody is here!!! Chameleon Li is holding the most delicious cake, and there are candles, and presents, and the entire forest is decorated just for this special day! ‘You do like me after all…’, smiles detective Snail. ‘Of course we do, we love you!’, chants everyone as Snail blows her birthday candles and makes a wish…